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- From: youngs@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Scott D. Young)
- Date: 5 Jan 92 23:51:25 GMT
- Organization: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
- Message-ID: <1992Jan5.235125.1570@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,sci.skeptic
- In <1992Jan3.162739.21793@bilver.uucp>
- dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen) writes:
- >>Came across this little "jewel" the other day..
- >>((I don't write this stuff folks..I just pass it along :-))
- >>----Begin Included text------------------------------------------
- >>Date: 12-28-91 13:43
- >>From: Bruce Alexander
- >>Subj: Detector
- _______________
- / \
- | _______ |
- Glass housing-->| I.......I |
- | I: : |
- | I:<-----:------|--To battery +
- | I: : |
- | I:..... : |
- | I:: .:.:..<---|--Wire loop
- L-strut --|--->I:: : | to battery -
- | I:: : |
- | I:: MMMMM<---|--Magnet
- | I:: |
- | I:: |
- \ I:: /
- |__I::__________|
- ::
- .............::.............
- : :
- : :
- __________ : : ____________
- | |+ -| |
- | Battery | | Buzzer |
- | | +|____________|
- |__________|- :
- :..........................:
- OK, John, here it is. It can be constructed for the price of a 12v
- battery, a door buzzer or bell a magnet and some wire. The housing is a
- large jar such as institutional size foods come in. The base is a simple
- wood block and the strut can be a coat hanger. The rest should be self
- explanatory, but if you have any questions, feel free.
- The magnet is delfected by any strong magnetic field, such as that which
- is purportedly produced by a UFO. If the field is strong enough, the
- circuitis closed and the buzzer sounds. The loop shouldn't be more than 1"
- in diameter and the wire should be as thin as possible depending on the
- battery you use. The beauty of this is it will not make a sound if the UFO
- is an airplane or AF test craft, unless they are using exotic power
- supplies.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Unfortunately, you may get spurious readings during times of high solar
- activity. I have seen plans for an "Aurora Detector" similar to what is
- described. Basically, the rise in the flux of the magnetic particles from
- the sun would trigger the buzzer. This would be quite erratic, especially
- during an auroral display.
- BTW, why do UFO's have intense magnetic fields? I must have missed
- that part.
- Scott Young
- youngs@ccu.umanitoba.ca